November 2, 2011

SuperTuxKart 0.7.3 Release Candidate 1 is now out!

Hi everyone,

I you many of you were very impatient for 0.7.3 to come out, and it's true that it took longer than expected, but it's now here... or at least a release candidate :)

Compared to STK 0.7.2, this new version brings the following improvements :
  • New Zen Garden and Subsea tracks
  • New Island battle arena
  • New Suzanne kart
  • New graphical effects
  • New weapons 'Swatter' and 'Rubber Ball'
  • Added Thunderbird as race referee
  • 3 Strikes Battles now displays lives as spare tires
  • Improved bubble gum
  • See progression during Grand Prix
  • Improve physics for tall karts (e.g. Adiumy)
  • Lots of bug fixes
  • Improved kart control at high speeds
  • Better placement of rescued karts
  • Transition track-making to blender 2.5/2.6

Get your copy from . OSX, Windows and source packages will appear there in the coming minutes, and more may come.

Please test and report any problem you find! However please note that it is recommended to use the forum and not blog comments to report bugs.


  1. in olivermath if you drive over the candy stripe you wont get faster. Please make that better.
    Out of that it is a very good version.

  2. YAY! My Christmas gift has come earlier this year! Best gift you guys could give me is this 0.7.3 version!! Testing and reporting ASAP! :D

  3. thanks for the report, I fixed the candy strip in math class

  4. How can I make the Kart view wich Kart I am round. With me that still is square with rounded corners. I have already seen it around in pictures. Please, help me.

  5. I gotta ask this coz I'm getting curious about it..So this BATTLE/Arena mode comes as a reward of a challenge (does it have to be earned) or is it still a under-the-hood feature and needs to do some tweaking in order to run it? Any word on whenever this is going to be a stable release? (JUST ASKING, CALM DOWN!!!)

  6. Rodolfo, battle mode is not secret or locked, but it's a multiplayer only mode, so you won't see it in single player

  7. Anonymous: Do you mean the icon background in the minimap? If so, this is a local change I made myself, as I prefer the round shape. I shouldn't make screenshots of local changes, but I thought noone would notice. ^^

  8. congratulation for the great job guys..

    and..looking forward the multiplayer version..

    really guys your work could be critical for Linux, people use Wii and will buy 3DS just for SMK online..

    a multiplayer STK could make happy so many users ;)

    I know that is a big effort but it will surely worth..

    @Auria: which New Graphical Effects have you guys introduced in this version?


  9. Arthur: I ment the kart view in the miniaml racegui.

  10. @Auria, In multiplayer mode I select my char and then I hit the action button but the game won't react. I mean, it simply just dies and nothing happens. Any idea?

  11. An item idea: new item in battle arenas, a live in a present.

  12. Rodolfo, you can't play multiplayer alone, you need to play with a friend. Sorry, in the future we may have an AI for battle mode but that at this we have no AI so you need to play against a human player

    Francesco, the speed boost effect mainly, now zippers will show red flames coming out of the kart and (optionally) motion blur

  13. Arthur: Can you make the kart view wich kart I am round. I think it would be a very good idea. I would say it sees more beautiful

  14. Anonymous: We reached an agreement in favour of this, so I will commit it to SVN in a couple days.

  15. Il vaut mieux arrêter de faire des nouvelles cartes et améliorer d'avantages les cartes qui existent déjà. La carte "Sous la pleine lune" a un arrière plan où on voit un peu trop les pixels par exemple. N'oubliez pas: "quantité n'égale pas qualité." C'est un conseil que je vous donne c'est tout:)

  16. Johann, les pistes de qualité inférieure sont en cours d'être refaites une par une :) la piste dont tu parles sera complètement refaite pour 0.8 (malheureusement la nouvelle version n'est pas prête à temps pour 0.7.3)

  17. vous faites du bon travail bravo!:) La carte "voyage en amazonie" et "sables mouvants" sont pas encore au point. Quand je critique c'est pour vous aidez: je fais le testeur.:D

  18. Johann, nous savons, ces deux pistes sont aussi dans le colimateur pour être remplacées. En attendant si tu peux nous trouver un bon modélisateur 3D ça accélérerait le processus ;P

  19. ne les remplacez pas, améliorez les.
    Y a Blender, Wing3D, MilkShape (gratuit) mais j’imagine que vous les utilisez déjà.:p

  20. J'aimerais bien que le bonnet de Heyley soit rouge et pas rose. Et pourquoi Firefox est un dinosaure et pas un renard?

  21. Per Johann's comment, I'd also prefer Hexley's hat to be red (as in his icon) instead of pink.

  22. Will 0.8 last longer than 0.7.3?

  23. Hello everybody,
    I have an idea: bringing King athur castle and Phrehistoric island from STK 0.6 to 0.7.3. Can somebody make that real please. I think it would be cool. Thank you

  24. Johann, nous n'avons pas de kart firefox.

    > Will 0.8 last longer than 0.7.3?

    Sorry I'm not sure how to interpret this, please clarify.

    Regarding King Arthur Castle's and Prehistoric Island, maybe, but I would prefer if we had higher quality replacements

  25. Je voulais dire qu'un Firefox serait plus beau et plus sympathique qu’un dinosaure représentant Mozilla. En tout cas c'est que mon avis.

  26. Johann, je suis pas contre, mais nous n'avons pas de modélisateur 3D dans l'équipe avec le temps de faire le changement.

  27. Congrats to all the team for the fantastic work on this new version. :)
    Seeing the feverish comments above is just a proof of the excellent work you're doing.

    Best regards,

  28. Can somebody make king athur castle for 0.7.3 for addons. I liked this battlearena really. It would be cool
