April 1, 2012

[April's Fools Joke] New version numbering scheme

The SuperTuxKart development team has decided to change version numbering to keep up with the times and make it easier for people to know if they are using the latest version or not. So the upcoming 0.8 release will not be named 0.8. Inspired by Mozilla, we'll simply call it 8. But inspiration comes seldom alone, so since Ubuntu's version scheme makes it easy to know when the latest release got out, we'll adopt it as well and call it 8 followed by year and month. So for example 8.12.08. Then it dawned upon us: why not include revision number? Then there will be no doubt as to what version you're using, especially if we release a newer version in the same month. So the upcoming version will be named something like You get to choose what number you want to refer; either you say you're using version 8, 12.08 or 13337, or you might choose any combination of two or more of those.

We also like the idea of giving names to releases. So next version will be nicknamed SuperTuxKart Gutsy Gnu, or maybe Nasty Nolok or Silly Suzanne, we're not sure yet

We look forward to the release of version 8.12.something.something, and hope you'll find it easier to get the right version number when reporting bugs or otherwise talking about the game.


  1. Great idea, when will SuperTuxKart Gutsy Gnu be available?? ;-)

  2. Anonymous, the date is in the name, dummy ;)

  3. Wacky Wilber, Krazy Konqi, Barking Beagle!

  4. Haha! You got me one second... ;P Nice april fools joke!

  5. I must admit, I almost like the idea of naming releases... except, of course, that it totally doesn't fit. :P
