August 31, 2021

SuperTuxKart 1.3 release candiate available!


SuperTuxKart 1.3 release candidate is out!

After a year, here is the latest release of the 1.x series, let’s check out the new features!


🎮 Switch Homebrew Port

Thanks to SDL2 implementation done in 1.2, SuperTuxKart has been ported to Switch Homebrew, you need to have Homebrew installed:, then you can play SuperTuxKart on your Switch instead of... Nolok Kart 8!

See for details, as you can see SDL2 allows porting STK to any platform with little platform dependant code.

Also thanks to SDL2 haptic and Mary, SuperTuxKart now supports force feedbacks for controllers that have this feature. Get some "bzzz" when you get destroyed!

Congratulations to Mary for her wonderful works!

🏟️ New Arenas

- Ancient Colosseum Labyrinth 🏛️

This release features a new battle arena in a dark environment inspired by the Rome colosseum.

Dodge the dangers hidden in the labyrinth, outmaneuver your opponents, and discover the secret path below the Colosseum. Have fun!

Thanks to Typhon306 for this amazing new arena.

 - Alien Signal 👽

If you have received the donator package in the past, you may already know this arena, which is based on a real location of the SETI program… Now shipped in the main game, enjoy! Made by samuncle.

Both arenas support Capture-The-Flag mode which allows online players to have a greater variety of tracks to choose from.

🏎️ New Karts

Our artist ZAQraven99 has worked hard on revamping existing karts.

Sara the Racer has been replaced by the cute Pepper from Pepper&Carrot.

Gnu has got a new look, as well as Sara the Wizard who is now called Sara.

Adiumy and Emule also got a makeover.

🐧 GUI and Graphics improvements

- Render resolution

Another feature improving STK's performance can be activated via the "render resolution option" in the graphics settings.

The resolution can be lowered by up to 50%, which will result in better frame rates. It's now enabled by default on the Android port of SuperTuxKart.

- New high scores selection screen

Having been available only in the track selection or in the ghost replay menu (not even all), you can now find all your high scores in the same place in a new menu. There, your best times in normal races, time trials and egg hunts are shown. Thanks to Worldblender for this feature!

🐒 Blender 2.8

Blender is the official software used by STK artists to create tracks, karts, arenas and more.

Blender 2.8 broke compatibility with 2.7, so there are updated SuperTuxKart Blender scripts, by Worldblender.

Check out to learn more.

Download SuperTuxKart 1.3 release candidate now from!

👊 Contributing

STK team needs your help! Check out

If you can help us as coder, 3D artist (documentation will be updated soon for blender 2.8), translator, or in any other way, you are very welcome!

👉 Follow STK

Twitter: @supertuxkart

Instagram: @supertuxkart

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