November 1, 2022

SuperTuxKart 1.4 release

The SuperTuxKart team is happy to announce the release of version 1.4. Below are the important changes:

Restore macOS <= 10.14 support

We fixed a bug in the macOS dependencies package which leads to Gatekeeper crashing, players from macOS 10.9 to 10.14 (Mavericks to Mojave) can enjoy this wonderful game again since 1.3 was released. Our great community helped greatly throughout the process!

SuperTuxKart 1.4 in macOS 10.9

Soccer fields improvements

The starting positions and item placements on all official fields has been adjusted, so that it contributes to a fair game play regardless of player count (even 1 vs 1). Field lines are also added for a better strategic game plan.

Complete list of changes can be found here. Download the latest release now, we hope you enjoy the 1.4 release!


  1. Nice! Looking forward to see STK on Steam. :-)

  2. Whoohoo! Thanks for making STK! It's good fun!

  3. It doesn't work on Mavericks/Macbook Pro 2013. I get a blank screen. Previous version 1.3 works fine.

    1. can you provide the stdout.log in your ~/Library/Application Support/supertuxkart/config-0.10 or visit our IRC / Telegram channel for help

  4. Some textures are not generated on the Android version, and sometimes generate with a white color

    1. Try remove some addons and see if better

  5. "Sara" seems to be locked in STK v. 1.4. What is needed in the game to unlock her? Playing succesfully all the challenges at 'easy' level did not help. Illogically, editing of a fresh 'players.xml' file and setting all the challenges to 'solved="easy"' DID unlock "Sara"!

    1. To do it without hacking, finish the story mode with platinum and gold cups.

  6. where's the trailer for the last update??????? they are so cool (T-T)

    1. Check Xue STK for "SuperTuxKart 1.4 trailer".

  7. STK is a good game I am happy to see it is being regularly updated with more awesome content! :)

  8. THX - Crosspplay on Linux - Android - and Windows - amazing!

  9. I would like to see a version 1.5 released where a secret level is released once at least Expert or SuperTux levels are achieved. Now you are not rewarded for reaching the highest levels and this would make the game extra fun.

  10. Heard there's a vulkan renderer now so I gave this game a try. I had heard before that it's not a bad game. I was mostly interested in the technical aspect of how the vulkan renderer was implemented, but I thought I'll give the game a try since I'm looking at it anyway.

    It is genuinely impressive to me how bad this game is. I actually cannot believe it. It is literally, unbelievable. It seems to me, that a large majority of people download this game, try it out once and never launch it again.

    1. You are entitled to your opinion but trust me, this game is extremely fun to play with friends, especially the football mode is my favourite.

  11. I thought this game was dead, I played this as a kid on my ubuntu laptop and 10 years later I come back and it's still as fun as ever. Thanks to the developers for supporting it!!!

  12. Is there still a version for iOS/iPad OS? Unfortunately, the test flight link ( no longer works.
